Articles & Papers


Machismo, art and latin AMERICA

How has this idea shifted?

The term machismo has being associated with the Latin American Region more than most. The word has the meaning of strong or aggressive masculine pride. Machismo can be conveyed in theway men express, or withhold their emotions, and the way they dress. When you are raised with strong beliefs regarding ideas of masculinity, it is hard to change or challenge them.

Melange magazine

Issue 1

Tackling modern and relevant issues concerning diversity, mental health, gender identity, and everything that lies be- tween. Our aim is to create conversations that build bridges that lead to mutual under- standing, breaking away from the fractured dissonance we experience as a society today.

the mugler fantasy

Get immerse in the MUGLER Fantasy.

The concept for this omni channel marketing campaign brings the consumer a different way to view Mugler. A fantasy, sexy, futuristic theme is seen through out the collection which embraces the Mugler universe. A post modern clash of the Mugler past and present. With the use of CGI to create the avatar of Bella Hadid as a Pegasus gives the opportunity to explore gamification within the brand. A magic being guides the viewer through the collection on Mugler’s film by Florian Joahn and a still visual portfolio by Carlijn Jacobs.

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Más allá de una cartera

Más allá de un sombrero

Más allá de una marca

Más allá de lo hecho a mano, hay un artesano que con cada tejido cuenta una historia.

The use of copyrights on fashion photography archives for books

Fashion Design might not be protected by copyrights, however photography is.

‘Under the Federal Copyright Act of 1976, photographs are protected by copyright from the moment of creation.’(TheLawTog, 2021). Therefore when wanting to use fashion photography archives for education, books or publications there has to be a concrete research of who owns the rights of said image and what it entails. Are fashion photography archives protected by copyrights? If so who owns the rights of these and how can one go about getting the owners permission for its use?